Lady Gaga claimed on interview with Jonathan Ross on Friday night with Jonathan Ross. A TV program in the UK that her song 'Poker Face' was inspired by when she used to ''make love'' to her ex boyfriend and she would pretend that he was a girl and that they were having lesbian sex but without telling him, Hence the term 'Poker Face' Urban Dictionary: poker some thing for a fire to poke the fire wood or a card game wich usally involves gambling for money or not Poker face | Definition of Poker face at
Urban Dictionary: To poker face
Blurred Lines - Wikipedia Martel also sought out intentionally "gross" and "oversized" props to utilize in the video. [24] List of datasets for machine-learning research - Wikipedia Datasets are an integral part of the field of machine learning. Major advances in this field can result from advances in learning algorithms (such as deep learning), computer hardware, and, less-intuitively, the availability of high-quality … Glossary of golf - Wikipedia The following is a glossary of the terminology currently used in the sport of golf. Where words in a sentence are also defined elsewhere in this article, they appear in italics. List of words having different meanings in American and British…
Mar 25, 2018 ... The episode where they're all playing poker? ... Ever since i saw that episode a couple years ago, i've been saying fag whenever i see a harley rider (not to their face). .... I think the word is getting further removed from meaning "gay = terrible", and more like..this ..... 13851 Harley Bikers use urban dictionary.
Urban Dictionary Game: Party game inspired by the popular slang words website. - Vat19 A picture is worth a thousand made-up words. The Urban Dictionary Game is about more than just words. There are also “Act or Draw!” cards. Just draw or act out one of the eight cards in front of you while everyone else tries to guess. Some, like Double Rainbow, … Red Hot Poker Urban Dictionary - Urban Dictionary: Strip dareTritoma FlamencoA face on a person that shows red hot poker urban dictionary no emotion, often called poker face because in the game of poker it would be foolish to show any emotional traits that might screw .. Urban Dictionary: poker face Lady Gaga claimed on interview with Jonathan Ross on Friday night with Jonathan Ross. A TV program in the UK that her song 'Poker Face' was inspired by when she used to ''make love'' to her ex boyfriend and she would pretend that he was a girl and that they were having lesbian sex but without telling him, Hence the term 'Poker Face' Urban Dictionary: poker
Poker-faced definition: If you are poker-faced , you have a calm expression on your face which shows none of your... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
That chick was pretty hot except for her enormous schnoz and ridiculous clothes. Oh, and she had a dick, too. She was such a butter-pokerface. What does Pokerface mean in Urban Dictionary? Apr 27, 2019 · What does Pokerface mean in Urban Dictionary?: similar to the Guitarface, the Pokerface is used to hide feeling during poker or other game involving cards.Most individuals are not capable of this course… What does Poke Her Face mean in Urban Dictionary? Apr 29, 2019 · August 17, 2018 Urban Dictionary. 1) the way you get up Lady GaGa.2) tune by child Cudi Featuring Kanye western, also referred to as "Make the woman proclaim" by Celina BraswellReport definition. the actual message behind Lady Gagas infamous track "Poker Face".
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of poker face is. The slang word / phrase / acronym poker face means... . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations.
Urban Dictionary: poker face When Chris came in Alyssa his facial expression did not change, letting Alyssa think that Chris was a monster at sex, but latter found out ego-is-prego. Chris has an excellent Poker Face. Urban Dictionary: poker some thing for a fire to poke the fire wood or a card game wich usally involves gambling for money or not Urban Dictionary: To poker face To poker face. verb, poker facing, The act of pretending to make love to someone other than who you curently are with. Lady Gaga use to poker face about girls while making love to her boyfriend. #poker face#lady gaga#love making#love#sex. by askile February 19, 2010. What does poker face mean in Urban Dictionary?
Poker face Meaning - YouTube Any similar expression used to prevent giving away one's motives, feelings, or situation.. poker face synonyms: straight face. Poker face Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary ... What does poker face mean? definition, meaning and ... Definition of poker face in the Dictionary. Meaning of poker face. What does poker face mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word poker face. Information about poker face in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. What does Pokerface mean in Urban Dictionary? What does Pokerface mean in Urban Dictionary?: similar to the Guitarface, the Pokerface is used to hide feeling during poker or other game involving cards.Most individuals are not capable of this course… Poker | Definition of Poker by Merriam-Webster